Loneliness can be pretty harsh sometimes, specially when you are looking for the right person (I hope u've got the sign) and your surrounded by people who are not of your type. Well as far as adjusting factor is concerned one can always laugh around with room mates and office mates but then a "friend" and an enjoyable "company" is hard to find in a city where one is as new as a 2 day old baby to the world. At present I sing the anthem of loneliness " mera jeevan Kora kaagaz kora hi reh gaya...." hoping my life would change for the good, I sit and contemplate sometimes. Sometimes it becomes very difficult for me to undergo a change specially when I am going through joyful times but then sometimes I long for a change so much that I am capable of doing crazy things, obviously mood swings always accompany these restless times of mine, for an eg.today I had a strange mood swing and I found myself wanting to smooch the first girl I saw in my work area. Well I was just exaggerating I was talking about the moods when you desperately need something or some one in life but then you are ignorant of what u need or what u wanna see in the specific person .
I feel pretty bored nowdays, to add to my woes is the repetitive work that I do in my office area. Software Testing can be very boring specially when you are 21 yrs old ,a graduate and are testing links which a 5th grader would be more happier to do it and would do it with utmost perfection. I mean do the client of the company realize how much money they drain out on jacks like us who sit here the whole day and test links .They might as well take customer complaints or regulate the application among their employees who might in turn report back with defect writing them down and submitting them along wit their daily activity reports. I am more than surprised when I listen to the facts that some of us are actually billed for more than 20 dollars /hr by the client for doing a job that would put a monkey's typing skills to shame. All this comes along with another surprise gift, a gift that every client would like, a gift that describes the companies policies of maintaining a person in a project for 1.5 years compulsorily, so that the company’s reputation is built from the client perspective and we go through the daily routine of testing links for another one and a half yrs. “khatin zindagi hain bhai..... pet ka mamla he ... kaam to karna padega.”
Well I have deviated from the path of loneliness I guess. Last to last week I had gone for a movie, ALONE, mind you, no girlfriend, no friend no one. In a city like Bangalore where people are not racist but still see with eyes of contempt if you come to movie with out a girl or any other company. I was looked upon as untouchable, schedule caste, dalit, black slave, aborigine (I have run out of words) until I got into the darkness of the cinema hall. Well one good thing is, if you are a bachelor and have no girl friend, you can always save those extra currency notes by not buying a balcony ticket ,in a city like Bangalore where movie tickets can range anywhere from 100 to 500 ,taking a girl along can surely make you feel u've had a whole in your pocket. Moreover u can also save on those expensive eatables and stuff an be satisfied with a glass of cola or just treat your self with butter popcorn(every dog has its day) .However doing all these things for the one you love and die for once in a while is “advisable”(I am sure if I hadn't been a tester I would have at least landed up as a as assistant to a doctor if not a doctor).So me being "single and watched" trauma dint end with me reaching my seat .I was made to feel even more like an outcast(who said my vocabulary is bad I have found another word.) .My movements, were confined, curbed ,stopped, restricted to a very small place called my chair cause on each side I had a boundary drawn by two heavy, bulky Handsome(so say their girl friends-obviously eavesdropped)hulks. Each one showing me his 20 inch biceps by heavily thrusting it on the common arm rest of the chair. India needs good engineers, It surprises me as why in theaters chairs are provided with common armrests, I am sure there are always better ways to save money on construction of theatres,you wont be surprise if someday the cinema hall owner came up with a maddening idea of having common bathrooms for ladies and gents. The whole of the movie I had to sit without moving a muscle even when I saw Govinda trying to speak in his broken English to a foreigner. The nightmare does not stop here, I was also supposed not to complain to the guards about those watchful glares that the men who had made my day till now were giving me .When ever I shuffled in my seat or even itched or re-set my hair I was welcome by glares from both sides, the men were like the soldiers guarding their frontiers and I seemed to be their enemy, ready to plunder their property (jealous guys!!! kya kare bhagwaanji ne mughe itna handsome banake ghalti kar di) ;)
.The only consolation was the movie, ofcourse a love movie and was dealt beautifully and in the end left me satisfied and erased a few bitter memories of the being "single & watched " trauma.
Well I am very adamant person and I don’t learn but my inability to learn or the lack of learnability skills turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Last week I had gone to watch the WTA tour which concluded recently in Bangalore. I had taken a friend cum roommate along with me to watch Sania play, ignorant of the fact that Sania had already lost the day before, Well I blame it on the village (ppl who know where I live in Bangalore would surely know which area am referring to) where I live in a two bedroom hut, is void of newspapers. The other day I searched the whole village and found no shop that could provide me with an English newspaper. I consoled myself that I might get to see better matches even though the second seed was already out of the tourney. The night mare starts here. The first question that my friend posed to me as soon as we entered the stadium was "why do Tennis balls have to be in green color and not red as in the case of cricket”. If you are finding it hard to believe let me pose another question which I encountered during the dreadful evening. At what exact hour do you think the matches will get over”? I was telling myself ,only If I could do match fixing with Maria Sainteaglo to finish her opponent off without giving her a set I would have been happy to return home early rather than me being bombarded with so many bomb shells. During the course of the match my condition progressed from bad to worse, the person near me would had already guessed by seeing my face that I was having a stomach upset only if I could tell him what I was undergoing. My friend found the tennis players sexy rather than their play. He was amused by the fact that tennis players (woman) used their underpants to hold the extra tennis balls (perverted minds-I am pure eh!!).However I dint loose hope and taught my friend the ABCD of tennis and the scoring system of which I am myself not sure of. Though my mind was constantly disturbed, shuttling my attention towards the match and also answering the never ending questions of my friend who eventually found out that I have deep respect for the sport and would not praise any perverted remarks of his. I realized that though I ended up feeling proud that I had explained the basics of tennis to an ignorant one, patiently I would rather go alone if I hadn’t had the proper company. I am no Einstein who knows everything but then few things like respect for any sport and etiquettes are very important, would be happy to teach a person who had a bit of respect for what was being taught.
Birds of same feather flock together. One might share a moment or two of joy or sadness with a colleague or an acquaintance or a room mate or with a not so close friend but good company and deep friendships grows among like minded people and more importantly gives life a whole new experience of satisfaction and completeness.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Meri choiche!!!!
It's high time I described the type of girls I crave in for or let me say I would share company with or to be more zhatka type , the type of girl I would like to marry(laga na zor ka zhatka dheere se!!!).It's high time cause right from the time I have become young ,I mean I have started admiring the opposite sex ,a numerous times I have been asked this question, on chat and on the numerous friendship sites I find a lot of girls(who knows they are guys posing questions like a girls)asking the same questions over an over again. I need a change just like the viewers of KBC who are now welcomed by SRK and not the Big B .So therefore I decided put down my interests in this blog and going to post the URL everywhere, I mean on T-shirts, bikes and yes not to forget, The ever going crazy friendship sites too. Nice marketing strategy, only that the product here is "my type of girl" a slightly different one.
Well It’s a very intriguing question though, and a very interesting one to those whose passions are to know the opposite sex better. Well for me who is as lazy as Kumbarakarnan of Mahabartha, from opening my mouth to the thinking process that involves this very question is a very tiresome one, as tiresome as an endurance jog to an Olympiad. Well at the end of it all, it makes me feel good just like any hard workout to a satisfied athlete, as I feel good that at least some girl*(comments below) is taking interest in my ever boring philosophical identity! Therefore keeping my speech and reasons short, I dedicate this blog to my friends (girls & guys), family, to the girls specially that sparked this thought in me.
My interest in girls dates back to the year 1947(no doubetdetly, I was exaggerating).My first crush had been in school obviously, Though I was a shy guy but still had started admiring a girl and this admiration of mine dates back to 1991(if I remember the year right).So the journey that started in 1991, trying to understand the ever confusing breed named "woman". I have come a long way but still more bewildered as I was before I started of on my journey! (we shall get deeper into the breed woman later in some other blog).However just like the idiom goes” learn from your mistakes" I have learned a lot and can now clearly define the thing that would make feel attracted to a girl.
Apart from the biological stuff, inteligence and common sense literally will pull me towards a female. I am no rocket scientist who is on the verge of making a launch vehicle all by him but common sense and maturity I surely look for. Of course you guessed it rite "opposites attract”. I would always love to share company with whom I can learn something. Who might make me feel competitive and of course tease the "male" ego of mine? (By the way I am a very egoistic individual eh …. Beware!!!)
I am guy who would need absolute un-divided warmth and attention and who does take interest in the giving the other person the same.Yea, I know I do sound like some marriage councilor but then describing your tastes in women precariously touches the same lines of a marriage too though one cannot get everything from a relationship and has to adjust a bit .Well as far as strong emotions are considered .I am as unwilling and as adamant as the Tata's on the Corus acquisition .I would love to have a wife or a girl friend or at least a company(considering that I hold none at present) who can impress me with all the above said things. It’s indispensable for one to not to sound like the Hindi film
heroes whose favorite lines would be "mughe meri maa jaaisi biwi chahiye." Well we are the person today the way we have been brought up by our parents and therefore it’s unavoidable from my perspective to not to have girl who is not organized, systematic, careful and considerate. I am as cribby as the newly wed bride about her clothes when it comes to these issues. Well carelessness turns me off just as disoriented minds and confused individuals (opposites attract!).
Who likes Aishwarya Rai .I am sure even the second graders would like a piece of that Chinese melon. A lot of wooers for the lady though she is married now but I wouldn't like a girl who is beautiful like Ash (Thank you, thank you ...for the standing ovation), a cute and a smart lady would do(main zyada nahi mangatha).Well that one goes again for the fact that opposites attract. If I had a girl friend like Aishwarya Rai, I would be spending rest of my life in inferiority. Needless to say I am a confident person who possess a high self esteem, as high as that of a crow which is daring enough to see itself in the mirror occasionally but when it comes to combining looks with self esteem I suffer like the Indian bowlers at the hands of Australian batsmen. However abiding my the standards of morality and living up to the expectation of me being a very refined person I have learnt how to make my weakness into strengths and therefore I like girls who are cute rather than the beautiful even though they are bold. Well that "high society" feel was given to the lines above to show that I am refined in case the readers are thinking that I am going to play the same trick again of “opposites attract".
Sporting abilities- Again my expectations are as low as possible. The girl I wish to spend my life with me should have a bit of flexibility too. My life is not gonna be a “dukhi dastan” if I land up loving some log of wood.Well, opposites attract I am no Michael Jordan or Roger fedrer but sure I can run better than a duck and would also like my girl to have at least a bit of interest in sports even if she cannot run but get up in the morning to at least walk. Well I have a forgettable memory, the passion and strong emotions qualities that I mentioned few lines back extend to the bed and love making process also. life is interesting when your partner can teach you a thing or two about love making too (naughty smile).
As I said everything is not possible in one package so as to say that one has to be contented with whatever one gets. It’s an amazing fact that our parents who have produced very much right products in the form of us weren't in love and most have been happy through arranged marriages. The process of discovering and knowing a person after marriage has its own taste though most of us now think that the idea of getting married to a person whom you don’t know is virtually impossible.
If the above lines made you feel that I am a very stable person and all that jazz, well let me tell you one thing the above said thing does not count towards you getting a girl of your type and being happy. All that I wrote was utter nonsense and was just to make myself feel a bit exercised after an awful lunch that I had in my workplace and therefore I am right now victimizing everybody in my workplace passing on the links of my blog marketing "my type of girl" .I am sure no one has the patience to go through my blog as in the past one year I haven't received a comment about them. Well I thought might as well do some social work by making them digest their food by making them do mental exercise as to what "opposites attract" means. For the female bloggers if you suit the description that I have given in the blog I mean anything opposite of mine, you can always drop in a mail to skullz03@gmail.com.
*None has taken but still I write as If this is dedicated to my female fans.
Well It’s a very intriguing question though, and a very interesting one to those whose passions are to know the opposite sex better. Well for me who is as lazy as Kumbarakarnan of Mahabartha, from opening my mouth to the thinking process that involves this very question is a very tiresome one, as tiresome as an endurance jog to an Olympiad. Well at the end of it all, it makes me feel good just like any hard workout to a satisfied athlete, as I feel good that at least some girl*(comments below) is taking interest in my ever boring philosophical identity! Therefore keeping my speech and reasons short, I dedicate this blog to my friends (girls & guys), family, to the girls specially that sparked this thought in me.
My interest in girls dates back to the year 1947(no doubetdetly, I was exaggerating).My first crush had been in school obviously, Though I was a shy guy but still had started admiring a girl and this admiration of mine dates back to 1991(if I remember the year right).So the journey that started in 1991, trying to understand the ever confusing breed named "woman". I have come a long way but still more bewildered as I was before I started of on my journey! (we shall get deeper into the breed woman later in some other blog).However just like the idiom goes” learn from your mistakes" I have learned a lot and can now clearly define the thing that would make feel attracted to a girl.
Apart from the biological stuff, inteligence and common sense literally will pull me towards a female. I am no rocket scientist who is on the verge of making a launch vehicle all by him but common sense and maturity I surely look for. Of course you guessed it rite "opposites attract”. I would always love to share company with whom I can learn something. Who might make me feel competitive and of course tease the "male" ego of mine? (By the way I am a very egoistic individual eh …. Beware!!!)
I am guy who would need absolute un-divided warmth and attention and who does take interest in the giving the other person the same.Yea, I know I do sound like some marriage councilor but then describing your tastes in women precariously touches the same lines of a marriage too though one cannot get everything from a relationship and has to adjust a bit .Well as far as strong emotions are considered .I am as unwilling and as adamant as the Tata's on the Corus acquisition .I would love to have a wife or a girl friend or at least a company(considering that I hold none at present) who can impress me with all the above said things. It’s indispensable for one to not to sound like the Hindi film
heroes whose favorite lines would be "mughe meri maa jaaisi biwi chahiye." Well we are the person today the way we have been brought up by our parents and therefore it’s unavoidable from my perspective to not to have girl who is not organized, systematic, careful and considerate. I am as cribby as the newly wed bride about her clothes when it comes to these issues. Well carelessness turns me off just as disoriented minds and confused individuals (opposites attract!).
Who likes Aishwarya Rai .I am sure even the second graders would like a piece of that Chinese melon. A lot of wooers for the lady though she is married now but I wouldn't like a girl who is beautiful like Ash (Thank you, thank you ...for the standing ovation), a cute and a smart lady would do(main zyada nahi mangatha).Well that one goes again for the fact that opposites attract. If I had a girl friend like Aishwarya Rai, I would be spending rest of my life in inferiority. Needless to say I am a confident person who possess a high self esteem, as high as that of a crow which is daring enough to see itself in the mirror occasionally but when it comes to combining looks with self esteem I suffer like the Indian bowlers at the hands of Australian batsmen. However abiding my the standards of morality and living up to the expectation of me being a very refined person I have learnt how to make my weakness into strengths and therefore I like girls who are cute rather than the beautiful even though they are bold. Well that "high society" feel was given to the lines above to show that I am refined in case the readers are thinking that I am going to play the same trick again of “opposites attract".
Sporting abilities- Again my expectations are as low as possible. The girl I wish to spend my life with me should have a bit of flexibility too. My life is not gonna be a “dukhi dastan” if I land up loving some log of wood.Well, opposites attract I am no Michael Jordan or Roger fedrer but sure I can run better than a duck and would also like my girl to have at least a bit of interest in sports even if she cannot run but get up in the morning to at least walk. Well I have a forgettable memory, the passion and strong emotions qualities that I mentioned few lines back extend to the bed and love making process also. life is interesting when your partner can teach you a thing or two about love making too (naughty smile).
As I said everything is not possible in one package so as to say that one has to be contented with whatever one gets. It’s an amazing fact that our parents who have produced very much right products in the form of us weren't in love and most have been happy through arranged marriages. The process of discovering and knowing a person after marriage has its own taste though most of us now think that the idea of getting married to a person whom you don’t know is virtually impossible.
If the above lines made you feel that I am a very stable person and all that jazz, well let me tell you one thing the above said thing does not count towards you getting a girl of your type and being happy. All that I wrote was utter nonsense and was just to make myself feel a bit exercised after an awful lunch that I had in my workplace and therefore I am right now victimizing everybody in my workplace passing on the links of my blog marketing "my type of girl" .I am sure no one has the patience to go through my blog as in the past one year I haven't received a comment about them. Well I thought might as well do some social work by making them digest their food by making them do mental exercise as to what "opposites attract" means. For the female bloggers if you suit the description that I have given in the blog I mean anything opposite of mine, you can always drop in a mail to skullz03@gmail.com.
*None has taken but still I write as If this is dedicated to my female fans.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Love ya mamaa!!
My mom can be pretty cool and cute sometimes. Have u ever seen a lady who still sneaks biscuits with the most colorful wrappers and chocolates into my travel bag as if I was a kid going on his first school picnic. I still sometimes try hard in reminding her that I am 21 years old now but then can’t ask her not to sneak in chocolates and biscuits in my travel bag stealthily because I actually like that particular habit of hers. What I dislike is when she asks “Bete naye wafers bag main dal du" … Bangalore paunch ke khale ga na”.These questions of hers never end. However she is highly systematic and organized woman, one who cribs a lot but then completes her work with utmost perfection which would put Roger Fedrer’s triumph over a lowly ranked player to shame. Sometimes she gives me so many choices for dinner that I get bewildered whether I am at home or in the nearby restaurant or should I say in my absence has my mother joined the nearest restaurant only to give boost to her earnings, the madness never ends as I am highly competitive person and of course gets jealous at the slightest spark I start contemplating and calculating my moms earnings to see whether she at least falls in the taxable income slab if not me. Well, a lot of nonsense I think. My mom is very special to me and though I sometimes loose temper for her asking me so many questions specially about my choices when I don’t mind whatever she cooks for dinner or what she has to put in my travel bag , I love her for the person she is.
Lately she was feeling very proud of herself for buying me a FM radio (the new craze in the market with a lot of private FM channels being launched every other day).Who knew she was good at bargaining too. She had picked it up from Burma Bazaar (grey market for mobiles and DVDs in Chennai) for as low as 50 bucks. I am sure that shopkeeper in the market would have asked her money in Dollars, but then she had bargained it for 50 INR, it seems. I was laughing to myself on seeing the Fm radio kept near my computer for which I am planning to buy speakers that would make the music be heard to the whole locality. It was as if my mother had read my thoughts. She was already at the edge of the bed as if she was waiting for the moment I saw the radio and she said “Isme surround sound sab nahi hain,ise se hi kaam chalana padega”.I hadn’t realized that moment a simple thing like a FM radio which had speakers as small as the ones which come in the hand video games and for a person who is so obsessed with sound quality, this thing would actually benefit him. I did realize at that moment that my mom was starting a new life, a life where she is earning again for the sake of supplementing my income and I did respect her gesture but what I dint realize is in some or the other way it would remind me of something that I had lost forever. Her idea of buying me a radio was harnessed to the fullest of usages when I started using it in my room away from my home. For a person like me whose passion for music being inversely proptional to the fact of me not knowing to play any instrument, radio was a source of eternal bliss. Though the radio being small spurted out a rattling sound which never matched its size, it was the feel that it gave was so important to me. I discovered that “Chaya Geet” and “Aap ki farmaish” that Dad used to listen every other night were still on air. Seems like All India radio has been running programs right from the day of its inception. Well it was a nice feeling looking back at my childhood and days spent with Dad.
It did feel a bit strange that my mom was buying me something after a long long time but then it was a refreshing experience and one that I won’t forget inspite of my fading memory lately! Well I have no ideas of prolonging this blog and give the readers a emotional dose, well we have our Bollywood directors with their evergreen masala formulas to flood you with. The point is my mom is thoughtful, caring and cute at the same time!!!!
Lately she was feeling very proud of herself for buying me a FM radio (the new craze in the market with a lot of private FM channels being launched every other day).Who knew she was good at bargaining too. She had picked it up from Burma Bazaar (grey market for mobiles and DVDs in Chennai) for as low as 50 bucks. I am sure that shopkeeper in the market would have asked her money in Dollars, but then she had bargained it for 50 INR, it seems. I was laughing to myself on seeing the Fm radio kept near my computer for which I am planning to buy speakers that would make the music be heard to the whole locality. It was as if my mother had read my thoughts. She was already at the edge of the bed as if she was waiting for the moment I saw the radio and she said “Isme surround sound sab nahi hain,ise se hi kaam chalana padega”.I hadn’t realized that moment a simple thing like a FM radio which had speakers as small as the ones which come in the hand video games and for a person who is so obsessed with sound quality, this thing would actually benefit him. I did realize at that moment that my mom was starting a new life, a life where she is earning again for the sake of supplementing my income and I did respect her gesture but what I dint realize is in some or the other way it would remind me of something that I had lost forever. Her idea of buying me a radio was harnessed to the fullest of usages when I started using it in my room away from my home. For a person like me whose passion for music being inversely proptional to the fact of me not knowing to play any instrument, radio was a source of eternal bliss. Though the radio being small spurted out a rattling sound which never matched its size, it was the feel that it gave was so important to me. I discovered that “Chaya Geet” and “Aap ki farmaish” that Dad used to listen every other night were still on air. Seems like All India radio has been running programs right from the day of its inception. Well it was a nice feeling looking back at my childhood and days spent with Dad.
It did feel a bit strange that my mom was buying me something after a long long time but then it was a refreshing experience and one that I won’t forget inspite of my fading memory lately! Well I have no ideas of prolonging this blog and give the readers a emotional dose, well we have our Bollywood directors with their evergreen masala formulas to flood you with. The point is my mom is thoughtful, caring and cute at the same time!!!!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I won’t be rebuked if I say that Bangalore is the IT hub of India. Well, it is and yea it is for the right reasons. Almost all the big MNC names have their presence here on this high rising plateau also called as the silicon valley due to the presence of electronic MNCs again .Bangalore in a way has embraced all this in a very subtle manner. However the Diaspora is felt by the people who shift in this city due to job requirements only to find that city has already reached its saturation point long back. By now you people would have guessed what this blog is about I am sure some of you are still clueless.
When I was being shifted to Bangalore I was said Bangalore is a costly city to live in, the standard of living is in Bangalore has reached dizzy heights. I was also told that it’s a happening city to live in and things like that. Well this blog is born out of my observation of people who live, thrive, praise and crib about the city. None of these emotions are wrong its just the way we see it. There is nothing wrong in praising this city or cribbing about the laws of this city, in anyways it’s not going to hurt anyone and therefore it’s absolutely normal to give a vent to one's emotions.
Bangalore is a beautiful city, so say the residents of Bangalore who have been living here for quite some time. They own houses here and have families settled here. Well it is , I do agree with it. In my short stay here in this traffic dominant city I have seen few areas of Bangalore that do stand apart, a lot of greenery is still left in Bangalore. What makes Bangalore stand apart is its pleasant climate. The basic question that pops put of the 5th grade text books in Indian schools is "Why is Bangalore, though not a not a hill has an average annual temperature lower than most of the other cities situated on the plains. The reason is Bangalore is situated on a plateau rather than a plain. Therefore this is the reason why Bangalore is much cooler than the other cities which lie on the same latitude as Bangalore but are comparatively warmer. Well that was for the gyan part of the blog.Every Indian city has some or the other part of it which is influenced by the British culture. There are a number of places in Bangalore which still have British names given to them; the strong British influence can be attributed to Bangalore being State Administrative HQ during the British rule in India. Under the British influence, Bangalore bloomed with modern facilities like the railways, telegraphs, postal and police departments. In 1881, the British returned the city to the Wodeyars. Diwans like Mirza Ismail and sir Vishweshwarayya were the pioneers to help Bangalore attain its modern outlook. I am sure old residents this city would have a lot of knowledge to impart. Therefore a person like me has every possible reason to get intrigued by the history of the lost beauty of this city. It’s absolutely normal for me to explore the numerous lakes that this city boasts of though seen none yet.
However it is the people who make a city the way it is. Bangalore may have a lot of things good here but then it’s a city for the rich and the pomp. If ones pockets are heavy and ones love to party and have fun it’s the best place. The Union Health Minister Mr.Ramadoss whose speech I recently attended had found a youth next to him on his flight to Bangalore complaining that Chennai does not have as many bars as Bangalore. Well for those whom visiting pubs everyday is a part of the daily routine would not find anything wrong with it but then one cannot overlook to the fact that a number of youths of the city are getting spoilt by the amount of money which they have access to and of course the negative impacts of globalization. .A lot of Hype is given to this city on lines of materialistic passions. I mean how many people would be ready to settle down in Bangalore just because there are more number of pubs, malls and places to eat than any other city. It does not sound practical. Television channels show Bangalore as a happening city, they hover across the cities capturing the happening events of the city. The “FOODIE” of Times NOW chose Bangalore for their “Dosa” special show.Dosa being a delicacy of Tamil Nadu is always prepared better there. I am sure u wont be surprised to see “FOODIE” in Bangalore for their special show on “DOHKALA” rather than being in Gujarat for that. Time and again the television channels show discrimination when they cover Bangalore for cultural events and not Chennai or Ahmadabad or for that matter Noida and Pune, these cities don’t seem to be far behind.Noida and Gurgaon are fast developing. However the point to be proven here is one should not judge the city by the amount of Hype given to it or the number of malls and pubs that cities have. This in turns results in people forming negative opnions about a city without even living in the city. Bangalore is more cosmopolitan than most other cities of India and more advanced too but then one cannot deny the fact that globalization has its roots deep in the society of Bangalore.
Almost every other person here works in an IT company but not every other person is rich. Recently one of my colleagues had to face a lot of problems in finding a house for herself. As the trend goes here one has to pay a years rent in advance to book a house compared to the other cities like Hyderabad where IT professionals follow the trend of paying two months of advance. For most of us who are unmarried and are starting our career have to make a living out of the pittance that we get, its a real difficult life out here. Landlords here have an obstinate mindset and the first question they ask is "Do you work in an IT company”. Once you say yes the rent automatically shoots up along with the expectations. A house holding an area of 660 sqft is placed for rent for ten thousand (INR J ) whereas the same house can be rented in other of cities of India for much cheaper rates. However the irony is that the professionals who work in and around the city are ready to pay that much .Again we ourselves are to be blamed for it. With Indian economy well poised to be one of the strongest economies in the coming years just after China’s, a lot of people have been benefited by the wave of globalization. Globalization in one way has helped the IT industry by creating numerous jobs in the country. Today higher ranked IT professionals have annual salaries soaring well above their counterparts in other sectors .This empowers some of us with a higher spending power and also increases the inflation rate which has become a matter of concern for the Indian economy in the recent times. No more practical laws of depreciation are followed as people are ready to pay a higher amount for things that they could get for less. The public folder of a reputed company advertises a "second-hand" Hero Honda splendor bike for 23,000.The bike being six years old and being second -hand is not worth that much. It was some 10 years back that we used to hear from our dads an grand dads that even if a new bike had changed hands once its price comes down to half rate of it plus or minus a few thousands. Practical thinking is absolutely not required for the higher salaried professionals of today. They don’t mind spending 200-400 bucks a movie or 50 bucks on a 150 ml of cola. Today Bangalore is the way people have made it.
Standard of living does rise with the increase in GDP.With India’s GDP soaring high at 7-8% does not license for the increase in inflation too. A lot has to be done on the municipal front. One has to battle out his/her way against the threats of traffic an pollution that this city offers as free entitlements specially to the people who work in Electronics city where most of the IT companies are concentrated. I might sound absolutely ridiculous when I say that my friend who boarded a bus from E-city at 6.15 did not reach the railway station in the city even after fours of traveling in the city and guess what he had to board a train to Chennai which is jus 6 hours away from Bangalore. This purely means that the city can’t take any more number of motor vehicles and might also need better planned roads. The irony is that once upon a time Bangalore was considered one of the best planned cities in India. India might start winning the FIFA cup someday but then the chances of the elevated project on Hosur road getting completed are bleak. Every other day some part of it is being renovated giving an opportunity to the bus drivers to show their extreme sports skills. The buses to avoid traffic sometimes changes lanes and in the process they sometimes have to treat the kerbstone as it was a part of the road. All this one has to go through to reach the city ,it does not stop here. The minimum rate that one has to pay to travel in this city is much higher compared to a lot of other Indian cities. I have never paid less that 10 rupees to travel a few kilometers. Chennai which boasts of one of the best transport corporation has tickets starting from as low as Rs 2 .There have been numerous occasions when I as a school lad would have helped old people and beggars by giving them a small amount so that they can reach wherever they want but in Bangalore one has to have a minimum of 10 rs to make it anywhere.
Its high time that the government started putting aside its ambitious gains started looking seriously into the matters that would help this beautiful city retain whatever is left. The crowd here is maddening and being a center for a lot of economical activity it’s an unavoidable destination for foreign tourists. However the sad state of the Bangalore airport does not help in any way nor does it give any rest to the commuters who face the problems of crowded buses and roads even on Sundays and late at nights. Bangalore can become a better place to live in but the challenge is a lot of nasty traditions have to be changed. This is a difficult task as it is us who have set these traditions wrong. A collective effort will surely make a difference if common sense and experience of some of us is put forth .This might in turn benefit a lot of new professionals like me coming into the city. Persistent negotiations and common sense packed with experience shown by the citizens will surely take us far in changing some of the costly traditions of this city. This has to be combined with municipality’s help, its clear now that the city is left with no space for more IT companies and therefore the permits should be stopped. The state of Karnataka ranks first among the highest power using states of India and added to it the state government is predicting an acute shortage of power this summer. Proper planning in advance will surely pave the way in at least saving whatever is left in this beautiful city. A few issue of concern are common to a lot of cities of India but then this blog is written by me an I spend most of my time in Bangalore.
Well I don’t want anyone to form negative opinions about the city. The above written stuff is entirely based on my observation of the city and the people living in it. The thoughts are born out of practical experiences of my friends and acquaintances. Well for me I live with G.K. Chesterton’s Philosophy J.You will have to wait for a while for me to gather thoughts to write a blog on Chesterton’s philosophy. Till then happy wondering on what could the philosophy mean.
Labels: The city where I dwell and work..
When I was being shifted to Bangalore I was said Bangalore is a costly city to live in, the standard of living is in Bangalore has reached dizzy heights. I was also told that it’s a happening city to live in and things like that. Well this blog is born out of my observation of people who live, thrive, praise and crib about the city. None of these emotions are wrong its just the way we see it. There is nothing wrong in praising this city or cribbing about the laws of this city, in anyways it’s not going to hurt anyone and therefore it’s absolutely normal to give a vent to one's emotions.
Bangalore is a beautiful city, so say the residents of Bangalore who have been living here for quite some time. They own houses here and have families settled here. Well it is , I do agree with it. In my short stay here in this traffic dominant city I have seen few areas of Bangalore that do stand apart, a lot of greenery is still left in Bangalore. What makes Bangalore stand apart is its pleasant climate. The basic question that pops put of the 5th grade text books in Indian schools is "Why is Bangalore, though not a not a hill has an average annual temperature lower than most of the other cities situated on the plains. The reason is Bangalore is situated on a plateau rather than a plain. Therefore this is the reason why Bangalore is much cooler than the other cities which lie on the same latitude as Bangalore but are comparatively warmer. Well that was for the gyan part of the blog.Every Indian city has some or the other part of it which is influenced by the British culture. There are a number of places in Bangalore which still have British names given to them; the strong British influence can be attributed to Bangalore being State Administrative HQ during the British rule in India. Under the British influence, Bangalore bloomed with modern facilities like the railways, telegraphs, postal and police departments. In 1881, the British returned the city to the Wodeyars. Diwans like Mirza Ismail and sir Vishweshwarayya were the pioneers to help Bangalore attain its modern outlook. I am sure old residents this city would have a lot of knowledge to impart. Therefore a person like me has every possible reason to get intrigued by the history of the lost beauty of this city. It’s absolutely normal for me to explore the numerous lakes that this city boasts of though seen none yet.
However it is the people who make a city the way it is. Bangalore may have a lot of things good here but then it’s a city for the rich and the pomp. If ones pockets are heavy and ones love to party and have fun it’s the best place. The Union Health Minister Mr.Ramadoss whose speech I recently attended had found a youth next to him on his flight to Bangalore complaining that Chennai does not have as many bars as Bangalore. Well for those whom visiting pubs everyday is a part of the daily routine would not find anything wrong with it but then one cannot overlook to the fact that a number of youths of the city are getting spoilt by the amount of money which they have access to and of course the negative impacts of globalization. .A lot of Hype is given to this city on lines of materialistic passions. I mean how many people would be ready to settle down in Bangalore just because there are more number of pubs, malls and places to eat than any other city. It does not sound practical. Television channels show Bangalore as a happening city, they hover across the cities capturing the happening events of the city. The “FOODIE” of Times NOW chose Bangalore for their “Dosa” special show.Dosa being a delicacy of Tamil Nadu is always prepared better there. I am sure u wont be surprised to see “FOODIE” in Bangalore for their special show on “DOHKALA” rather than being in Gujarat for that. Time and again the television channels show discrimination when they cover Bangalore for cultural events and not Chennai or Ahmadabad or for that matter Noida and Pune, these cities don’t seem to be far behind.Noida and Gurgaon are fast developing. However the point to be proven here is one should not judge the city by the amount of Hype given to it or the number of malls and pubs that cities have. This in turns results in people forming negative opnions about a city without even living in the city. Bangalore is more cosmopolitan than most other cities of India and more advanced too but then one cannot deny the fact that globalization has its roots deep in the society of Bangalore.
Almost every other person here works in an IT company but not every other person is rich. Recently one of my colleagues had to face a lot of problems in finding a house for herself. As the trend goes here one has to pay a years rent in advance to book a house compared to the other cities like Hyderabad where IT professionals follow the trend of paying two months of advance. For most of us who are unmarried and are starting our career have to make a living out of the pittance that we get, its a real difficult life out here. Landlords here have an obstinate mindset and the first question they ask is "Do you work in an IT company”. Once you say yes the rent automatically shoots up along with the expectations. A house holding an area of 660 sqft is placed for rent for ten thousand (INR J ) whereas the same house can be rented in other of cities of India for much cheaper rates. However the irony is that the professionals who work in and around the city are ready to pay that much .Again we ourselves are to be blamed for it. With Indian economy well poised to be one of the strongest economies in the coming years just after China’s, a lot of people have been benefited by the wave of globalization. Globalization in one way has helped the IT industry by creating numerous jobs in the country. Today higher ranked IT professionals have annual salaries soaring well above their counterparts in other sectors .This empowers some of us with a higher spending power and also increases the inflation rate which has become a matter of concern for the Indian economy in the recent times. No more practical laws of depreciation are followed as people are ready to pay a higher amount for things that they could get for less. The public folder of a reputed company advertises a "second-hand" Hero Honda splendor bike for 23,000.The bike being six years old and being second -hand is not worth that much. It was some 10 years back that we used to hear from our dads an grand dads that even if a new bike had changed hands once its price comes down to half rate of it plus or minus a few thousands. Practical thinking is absolutely not required for the higher salaried professionals of today. They don’t mind spending 200-400 bucks a movie or 50 bucks on a 150 ml of cola. Today Bangalore is the way people have made it.
Standard of living does rise with the increase in GDP.With India’s GDP soaring high at 7-8% does not license for the increase in inflation too. A lot has to be done on the municipal front. One has to battle out his/her way against the threats of traffic an pollution that this city offers as free entitlements specially to the people who work in Electronics city where most of the IT companies are concentrated. I might sound absolutely ridiculous when I say that my friend who boarded a bus from E-city at 6.15 did not reach the railway station in the city even after fours of traveling in the city and guess what he had to board a train to Chennai which is jus 6 hours away from Bangalore. This purely means that the city can’t take any more number of motor vehicles and might also need better planned roads. The irony is that once upon a time Bangalore was considered one of the best planned cities in India. India might start winning the FIFA cup someday but then the chances of the elevated project on Hosur road getting completed are bleak. Every other day some part of it is being renovated giving an opportunity to the bus drivers to show their extreme sports skills. The buses to avoid traffic sometimes changes lanes and in the process they sometimes have to treat the kerbstone as it was a part of the road. All this one has to go through to reach the city ,it does not stop here. The minimum rate that one has to pay to travel in this city is much higher compared to a lot of other Indian cities. I have never paid less that 10 rupees to travel a few kilometers. Chennai which boasts of one of the best transport corporation has tickets starting from as low as Rs 2 .There have been numerous occasions when I as a school lad would have helped old people and beggars by giving them a small amount so that they can reach wherever they want but in Bangalore one has to have a minimum of 10 rs to make it anywhere.
Its high time that the government started putting aside its ambitious gains started looking seriously into the matters that would help this beautiful city retain whatever is left. The crowd here is maddening and being a center for a lot of economical activity it’s an unavoidable destination for foreign tourists. However the sad state of the Bangalore airport does not help in any way nor does it give any rest to the commuters who face the problems of crowded buses and roads even on Sundays and late at nights. Bangalore can become a better place to live in but the challenge is a lot of nasty traditions have to be changed. This is a difficult task as it is us who have set these traditions wrong. A collective effort will surely make a difference if common sense and experience of some of us is put forth .This might in turn benefit a lot of new professionals like me coming into the city. Persistent negotiations and common sense packed with experience shown by the citizens will surely take us far in changing some of the costly traditions of this city. This has to be combined with municipality’s help, its clear now that the city is left with no space for more IT companies and therefore the permits should be stopped. The state of Karnataka ranks first among the highest power using states of India and added to it the state government is predicting an acute shortage of power this summer. Proper planning in advance will surely pave the way in at least saving whatever is left in this beautiful city. A few issue of concern are common to a lot of cities of India but then this blog is written by me an I spend most of my time in Bangalore.
Well I don’t want anyone to form negative opinions about the city. The above written stuff is entirely based on my observation of the city and the people living in it. The thoughts are born out of practical experiences of my friends and acquaintances. Well for me I live with G.K. Chesterton’s Philosophy J.You will have to wait for a while for me to gather thoughts to write a blog on Chesterton’s philosophy. Till then happy wondering on what could the philosophy mean.
Labels: The city where I dwell and work..
Friday, February 02, 2007
Mom's Diaries ;)
The mini is a darling thing, I like it.
It’s such a bold and baring thing, I like it.
It stirs the pulse and pulls the eye,
And when it reaches really high,
It makes the old men sit and cry- I like it.
The mini is a naughty thing, I like it.
It’s such a playful sporty thing, I like it.
Though some there are who thinks its mad,
While others call it clownright bad,
It makes the heart of men so glad- I like it.
The mini is a pretty thing, I like it.
It’s such a nitty-gritty thing, I like it,
For casual wear it really tops,
Some times in the streets the traffic stops,
And then they have to call the cops- I like it.
The mini has vitality, I like it,
And urgent sensuality, I like it,
No long do we need a breeze,
To glance at the lovely thighs and knees
But my request is higher please!!- I like it.
The mini is a darling thing, I like it.
It’s such a bold and baring thing, I like it.
It stirs the pulse and pulls the eye,
And when it reaches really high,
It makes the old men sit and cry- I like it.
The mini is a naughty thing, I like it.
It’s such a playful sporty thing, I like it.
Though some there are who thinks its mad,
While others call it clownright bad,
It makes the heart of men so glad- I like it.
The mini is a pretty thing, I like it.
It’s such a nitty-gritty thing, I like it,
For casual wear it really tops,
Some times in the streets the traffic stops,
And then they have to call the cops- I like it.
The mini has vitality, I like it,
And urgent sensuality, I like it,
No long do we need a breeze,
To glance at the lovely thighs and knees
But my request is higher please!!- I like it.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Sports Psychology-nov2004
“You ought to win if you are a professional sportsperson”, this is the attitude of most of the people in and around the sports field and of course the layman too have. This is how we judge a sportsman. Is it only for the winning purpose that we play a sport? Maybe at the professional level it may hold importance in fact a lot of importance, but if one looks at the other side of the coin one would find that the true meaning of playing a sport or the spirit of sportsmanship is lost. Today’s sports has become so competitive that everyone wants to win and nobody wants to loose , and for this purpose the athletes go down to any disgraceful level.
People in and around the sport are to blamed for it, why can’t we just enjoy the thrill of the sport, this would also result in the players enjoying it. Most of the players start off with a good passion, love and interest for the sport. They are ready to give up anything just for the sake of the sport but some of them land up unsuccessful and mere victims of pressure. Playing a sport at the professional level requires a lot of hard work and dedication and one who plays the sport only knows it. Therefore there is natural happiness when one wins and disappointment when one looses. It is here that criticism plays an important role, it is here the loosing and the winning factor comes to play and it is here that a sportsman yields under pressure, some of them use this pressure to build up their mental strength whereas some of them fear criticism and cultivate a negative attitude.
Sports can build a strong and invincible character, an adventurous and a very positive attitude but just like everything, sports has also some disadvantages, these disadvantages vary from person to person, a loosing streak in a sport may force an individual to hide his\her talents, he may be reluctant to play his own game, and at last the fear and pressure may also make him to hate a particular game.
Then there are media persons who highlight every time the Indian cricket team looses , this kind of narrow mindedness is also the cause for the hyper excitement build up before a Indo-Pak cricket matches and which fruitfully leads to the cancellation of tours to the neighboring countries, it is also the cause for the various drug scandals involving famous athletes.
We have forgotten what Coubertin once said “the means are more important than the does... the most important thing in life is not the victory but the contest. The essential thing in sports is not to have won but to have fought well, there should be fair play and healthy sportsmanship.” if winning a game was everything then one should forget the incident in the recent Olympics in Greece where a marathon runner who was a favorite to win a gold was interrupted by a spectator on his course. He landed up with a bronze but he earned a standing ovation from the crowd. If a sport was played only for the winning purpose then people should forget the flawless attitude of Evan ladle on the tennis court, one should also forget the brave hearted South Africans who embraced defeat at the hands of the Australian team in the semifinal match at the 1999 cricket world cup
Professional sports does need a winning attitude and a killer instinct but not to the limit that the athlete disgraces himself to register a win, nor should the people in and around the sport must indulge in unhealthy criticism. One should always understand the plight of a sportsperson. He\ she should try to get into the shoes of a sportsman and think accordingly , he \ her should experience the same emotions that a sportsman goes through like happiness, the sadness the Adeline pumping and the critics hovering around. We should learn to applaud the effort of a sportsman and try to encourage him or her no matter whether he looses or wins because where there is a winner there is a looser. There have been a number of articles written on the same issue but people just read and forget , I hope the same does not happen to this article too, the next time you see a looser spend few moments encouraging him or her rather than criticizing.
People in and around the sport are to blamed for it, why can’t we just enjoy the thrill of the sport, this would also result in the players enjoying it. Most of the players start off with a good passion, love and interest for the sport. They are ready to give up anything just for the sake of the sport but some of them land up unsuccessful and mere victims of pressure. Playing a sport at the professional level requires a lot of hard work and dedication and one who plays the sport only knows it. Therefore there is natural happiness when one wins and disappointment when one looses. It is here that criticism plays an important role, it is here the loosing and the winning factor comes to play and it is here that a sportsman yields under pressure, some of them use this pressure to build up their mental strength whereas some of them fear criticism and cultivate a negative attitude.
Sports can build a strong and invincible character, an adventurous and a very positive attitude but just like everything, sports has also some disadvantages, these disadvantages vary from person to person, a loosing streak in a sport may force an individual to hide his\her talents, he may be reluctant to play his own game, and at last the fear and pressure may also make him to hate a particular game.
Then there are media persons who highlight every time the Indian cricket team looses , this kind of narrow mindedness is also the cause for the hyper excitement build up before a Indo-Pak cricket matches and which fruitfully leads to the cancellation of tours to the neighboring countries, it is also the cause for the various drug scandals involving famous athletes.
We have forgotten what Coubertin once said “the means are more important than the does... the most important thing in life is not the victory but the contest. The essential thing in sports is not to have won but to have fought well, there should be fair play and healthy sportsmanship.” if winning a game was everything then one should forget the incident in the recent Olympics in Greece where a marathon runner who was a favorite to win a gold was interrupted by a spectator on his course. He landed up with a bronze but he earned a standing ovation from the crowd. If a sport was played only for the winning purpose then people should forget the flawless attitude of Evan ladle on the tennis court, one should also forget the brave hearted South Africans who embraced defeat at the hands of the Australian team in the semifinal match at the 1999 cricket world cup
Professional sports does need a winning attitude and a killer instinct but not to the limit that the athlete disgraces himself to register a win, nor should the people in and around the sport must indulge in unhealthy criticism. One should always understand the plight of a sportsperson. He\ she should try to get into the shoes of a sportsman and think accordingly , he \ her should experience the same emotions that a sportsman goes through like happiness, the sadness the Adeline pumping and the critics hovering around. We should learn to applaud the effort of a sportsman and try to encourage him or her no matter whether he looses or wins because where there is a winner there is a looser. There have been a number of articles written on the same issue but people just read and forget , I hope the same does not happen to this article too, the next time you see a looser spend few moments encouraging him or her rather than criticizing.
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