Friday, June 22, 2007

I am feelin soooooo saaaadddd!!!

Start->Run->Notepad, now I don't intend to write a test case but then I would sure love to tell you people that this is how a "Navigational path" to a defect or a link to be tested is actually written in a test case by “WE THE TESTORS".I have been sitting on my seat in my cubicle and obviously doing nothing but "refreshing" the comp for the past 15 mins. I mean all of us do need refreshment after continuous work so I thought I might as well refresh the computerji too. Basically there is nothing much to do but there is a task as daunting as entering a women's hostel. Now that the world has started seeing me as an adult, people have started loading me with responsibilities. I am a man now and have to prepare a thing which is as boring as having a computer without .wmv or .mp3 files in it. This so called boring, daunting, irritating, complaint driven task is the WEEKLY STATUS REPORT and I am supposed to prepare it.

I sit as idle as street dog thinking how to pass time till 4 when everyone in my team fills up the status report and I pick it up from the project LAN and start formatting it. I am bored of checking mails. I am bored of composing broadcasts mails. I am bored of women and I want a few things back in my life. At present I just feel like settling with Kylie Minogue in the Alpine mountains on a small tree house where I have no connection with the out side world and absolutely don’t care whether I have clothes to wear for the next day in office. I just want to cut my self from every creature living on this world and if Kylie Minogue herself cribs too much about size of the house then I don’t need her too. I am desperate, restless, irritated, bored to the core. I want a change and I need it now.

I sit and stare at the computer thinking whether I would get a chance to lie naked in a big open place under the rainy skies and think "Y the world is sinning so much", "Will I get a good wife" , “Will I have a happy married life -as people wish the newly weds with a sarcastic expression and wicked grin on their faces." , “Will my kids and my wife love me truly”. most importantly “Will I get married to the rite one”, “How is it gonna be in future", “Will I ever be able to satisfy my ambitions."-question marks common to all questions.

I sit and keep staring at the computer screen, only to be frightened by Priyanka who pops out of the messenger-now don't u people mistake this, its simple Priyanka pings me on the messenger. I know to a few people my writing seems to be as boring as Vajpayee's speech that they promise to themselves that they will never let me know what happened to my SMS which was sent inviting them to see the blissful Coorg photos and a few lines written on the same, that incidentally got published on the official site of Infosys. My conversation with Priyanka is about things as irrelevant as an edition of Economic Times to my sister. Of course we talk about things that are under this earthly sun(since there are lot of suns in our galaxy-dekha kya astronomical knowledge hain!!). But still I am sure if the same people came across a gossip will pass it on sooner than they pass phone numbers.

Priyanka: daber , Mohit

please note my last name I know it sounds funny but any girl who plans to live with me has to do with it.

me: haanji madam ,kya baat hain
Priyanka :r u free
me :yea , but gonna get engaged in a few moments!! ;D
me :Pun intended
Priyanka :ay

Now to let u know the conflict of emotions that took place were like this. The expression "ay" is a trademark expression of Priyanka and when u hear this being spilled out of her mouth , you can conclude that she is demanding respect or dominance. So me getting back to limits of mine…

me: wats the matter ??
Priyanka : nothing feeling bored
Me: tell me about it, same here , you don’t know the heights of boredom here, I have refreshed the computer some 1236543 times.
Priyanka :oh I do realize that, you have counted it so many times.
Priyanka : I slept off in my boring moments
Me :I do understand your emotions Priyanka, you have gone to the extent of feeling bored in your sleep

Priyanka :I had this dream where I remembered what I was in my previous birth.
Me :what??.
Priyanka: wait , it goes like this
me: ok .. me all ears
Priyanka :Guess what my name was in my last birth ,remember its my last birth so start with old fashioned names
me: ram pyarri
Priyanka :cold

cold-this means I am no where close to what Priyanka has in mind and that I might as well take hike and sit in a corner.

Me :lalitha, bijli, basanthi
Priyanka :freezing cold
Me :yawn!!(thinkin this lady is making me feel even bored)
Priyanka : don’t "yawn" me eh ….
Priyaka : so tell me, what name had I in my previous birth
Me :Mallika
Priyanka :warm
Me :maenka, Maya, Mallika
Priyanka :warmer
Me :I am out of names.. gonna try english names ,Marguaret
Priyanka: cold, I was a Hindu
me: I give up, cannot think of any more names and I am bored, continue the story if you want else leave it…..
Priyanka :ok ..I’ll give u a clue, I was named after a Hindu goddess and have a temple built in my name down south in Tamil Nadu
Me :burp!!!
Priyanka :ay don’t “burp” me eh ....
me: ok... Menakshi
Priyanka: bingo
Me :so ...
Priyanka : so... My name was Meenakshi and I lived in ...... lived in ... guess !!!
me: Bangalore
Priyanka: cold
me: There are 26 states in India you got to give me a clue here
Priyanka :U guess its easy …
Me :Delhi
Priyanka :bingo.
Me :hmmm
Priynaka: don’t "hmm" me
Me :oye "hmm" is my trademark word I 'll use it to whomsoever I want
Priyanka : ok .... listen…
Me: hmm tell me
Priyanka :in my previous birth I was menakshi and I lived in Delhi
Priyanka: I lived a peaceful life
me: ok ... so
Priyanka :that’s it!!
me :feeling bored eh ...
Priyanka :yea :)
me :shucks .... if I had known this before I would have refreshed my computer enuf so that I need not follow the process until my great grand son feels bored

This post is not supposed to be interesting at all. One is supposed to be true about his emotions and I am just being true, I don’t feel good about things in life. There is absolutely no purpose in reading this post but then it at least helped me to figure out what was wrong I feel crest fallen and thats why Iam bored. Wouldn’t any one help me out.!!!


Nirmalanand said...

I liked this post man...something different... nice way of portraying ur emotions :)

skullz said...

to nirmal:first-Thanks for commenting.Second-Now if u make this site alive, I ll personally come to madurai to treat u da.

Nirmalanand said...

Yeah sure dude :)