After a very exciting streak of blog writing ,poster writing and writing creative broadcast emails,today I contemplate on why do I write blogs.I mean for me writing down what I think and feel about my life comes as frequently as susoo to a kid who had drank a lot of water and every other second says "mummy sussoo aaya hain"."Aab kya karu". I just cant live my life alone .I am not used to it .People around me have this misconception about me that I am very quite "kisam ka ladka" but then I would say they know me as little as they know whose kid is Britney Spears bearing this time.I am sure a few friends of mine must be calling me a liar but atleast on the "wats goin on in life" front I cant live it alone!! aab kya stamp paper pe likh ke du .!
This thought was invoked in me by a female friend of mine.Very few people(females) have taken interest in me and my interests.Incidentally and formally she becomes the first person to comment on my blogs. A very serious comment of course and I was thinking I was making people people cry through my Gulzar type of writing in my last blog.The first casual comment on my blog said "123", seems like some one on blog spot wanted to know how comments here worked and tried a test comment."Are mera blog hi mila tha kya !!". Therefore I make Deepa the first person to comment sensibly infact too sensible on my blog.Thank you !.Now dont expect me to sign a blank cheuque and give it to you.You will have to be content with a sign of gratitude.
Yea, So where were we .Yes this female friend of mine remarked after she got a long broadcast e mail from me .She remarked
"So u like writing down stuff is it ??????"
for a moment she caught me unaware and yes tricked me into sipping the hot coffee too that burnt my tongue.ouch!!!!
I love keeping people informed about myself.I want my friends to take as much as interest in me as I have in them.Life is too boring alone.Though I have lived most of my life making fun trips and outings alone and suitable company is always I had looked for.For me the very thought of connecting with people is as electrifying as the whole electricity and the short circuit process goes.
I write blogs for a few friends of mine who might get murdered the "psycho"(chocalate sauce)style but then wouldn't call my name even if I was just a phone call away or at the door ringing the bell during one of those many univited vistis to their house.But then they are my friends and I think my blogs might give them the "being-electrocuted-to-mohit" kind of experience.There are a few whose reactions to my mails and sms is as cold as the stares of the security guard of infosys who gives it to me every morning when he sees me holding the days new paper in one hand and a whole lot of magazines and newpapers in my bag that he checks every other day.His feelings are mixed,he stares cos he does not like going through the same "rathi" of my bag and then gets confused when he glances at my faded id card and the present days news paper in my hands as infosyss' lobbies are all armed with news papers of three different agencies."aab kya kare hum todae ajeeb type ke person hain" .Now I am not gonna put the "old is gold" kinda crap .My interest in editions of old newspapers is same as me writing blogs about my life and things that I observe in this duniya.Going through the stale news revives and re-charges those duracell type of cells of my brain throwing me back to the times when I was a kid and used to ride a tri-cycle sporting a hero kind of look in the biggest pair of goggles(* for thos who don't believe me.. have uploaded a pic of mine,the largest pair of goggles).In other words makes me feel nostalgic.
Its similiar to the feeling of mine wherein I get attached to a few scents and sights of past times and keep reviving them by invoking "yadeein" type of recursive function again and again .I write blogs to give people a hint of my present and past.You might call my self as self centric but then I like talking about my self and I know to how many poor "naris" of this India I have been a support to,who themselves feel I am not self centric.Like the one who was giving me a lecture of travelling wisely when I was struggling to remove my shoes as I wanted to wet my legs in a stream of water flowing and she was wearing slippers and was feeling quite easy.I wanted to tell her "Hey lady you might have traveled wisely but not light".she was carrying a bag that was big enough to hold a person's dead body,the bag being heavy and she not being able to carry it gave me scares that sure she might have murdered someone and stuffed him into the bag and it was poor me and my team mate who carried it all through the journey of hers.
Never write a blog in two different sessions.Always finish it at one shot when the thoughts are flowing out of you just like emotions out of the poor Indian cricketers.I guess I still haven't answered the question "y do i write blog" . Its a feeling that is beyond explanations is what i feel now.Its the person you are and irrespective of the fact that some one else might construe it in a different fashion.I write cos I feel the need of it cos I get impressed and affected by each an every other thing that happens in my life and that I want to share it some one I know .I like the fact that I am discovering myself and me writing it down just gives a feeling of me celebrating myself as a person and that I do live life to the fullest.Please let me know if those lines struck a chord with you.As I like meeting like minded people.
I know for some it might turn out to be a boring reading of all those ten million things I crib about but then its my blog and blogging karna merna birth right hain !!!!
This thought was invoked in me by a female friend of mine.Very few people(females) have taken interest in me and my interests.Incidentally and formally she becomes the first person to comment on my blogs. A very serious comment of course and I was thinking I was making people people cry through my Gulzar type of writing in my last blog.The first casual comment on my blog said "123", seems like some one on blog spot wanted to know how comments here worked and tried a test comment."Are mera blog hi mila tha kya !!". Therefore I make Deepa the first person to comment sensibly infact too sensible on my blog.Thank you !.Now dont expect me to sign a blank cheuque and give it to you.You will have to be content with a sign of gratitude.
Yea, So where were we .Yes this female friend of mine remarked after she got a long broadcast e mail from me .She remarked
"So u like writing down stuff is it ??????"
for a moment she caught me unaware and yes tricked me into sipping the hot coffee too that burnt my tongue.ouch!!!!
I love keeping people informed about myself.I want my friends to take as much as interest in me as I have in them.Life is too boring alone.Though I have lived most of my life making fun trips and outings alone and suitable company is always I had looked for.For me the very thought of connecting with people is as electrifying as the whole electricity and the short circuit process goes.
I write blogs for a few friends of mine who might get murdered the "psycho"(chocalate sauce)style but then wouldn't call my name even if I was just a phone call away or at the door ringing the bell during one of those many univited vistis to their house.But then they are my friends and I think my blogs might give them the "being-electrocuted-to-mohit" kind of experience.There are a few whose reactions to my mails and sms is as cold as the stares of the security guard of infosys who gives it to me every morning when he sees me holding the days new paper in one hand and a whole lot of magazines and newpapers in my bag that he checks every other day.His feelings are mixed,he stares cos he does not like going through the same "rathi" of my bag and then gets confused when he glances at my faded id card and the present days news paper in my hands as infosyss' lobbies are all armed with news papers of three different agencies."aab kya kare hum todae ajeeb type ke person hain" .Now I am not gonna put the "old is gold" kinda crap .My interest in editions of old newspapers is same as me writing blogs about my life and things that I observe in this duniya.Going through the stale news revives and re-charges those duracell type of cells of my brain throwing me back to the times when I was a kid and used to ride a tri-cycle sporting a hero kind of look in the biggest pair of goggles(* for thos who don't believe me.. have uploaded a pic of mine,the largest pair of goggles).In other words makes me feel nostalgic.
Its similiar to the feeling of mine wherein I get attached to a few scents and sights of past times and keep reviving them by invoking "yadeein" type of recursive function again and again .I write blogs to give people a hint of my present and past.You might call my self as self centric but then I like talking about my self and I know to how many poor "naris" of this India I have been a support to,who themselves feel I am not self centric.Like the one who was giving me a lecture of travelling wisely when I was struggling to remove my shoes as I wanted to wet my legs in a stream of water flowing and she was wearing slippers and was feeling quite easy.I wanted to tell her "Hey lady you might have traveled wisely but not light".she was carrying a bag that was big enough to hold a person's dead body,the bag being heavy and she not being able to carry it gave me scares that sure she might have murdered someone and stuffed him into the bag and it was poor me and my team mate who carried it all through the journey of hers.
Never write a blog in two different sessions.Always finish it at one shot when the thoughts are flowing out of you just like emotions out of the poor Indian cricketers.I guess I still haven't answered the question "y do i write blog" . Its a feeling that is beyond explanations is what i feel now.Its the person you are and irrespective of the fact that some one else might construe it in a different fashion.I write cos I feel the need of it cos I get impressed and affected by each an every other thing that happens in my life and that I want to share it some one I know .I like the fact that I am discovering myself and me writing it down just gives a feeling of me celebrating myself as a person and that I do live life to the fullest.Please let me know if those lines struck a chord with you.As I like meeting like minded people.
I know for some it might turn out to be a boring reading of all those ten million things I crib about but then its my blog and blogging karna merna birth right hain !!!!
Thanks Mohit for expressing ur gratitude. But i would not mind if u give me a blank cheque also......k just joking :)....
What i observed in ur blogs is tat u deviate a lot from the blog title. I understand tat emotions dont flow in accordance wit d blog title but just try writing ur emotions on a rough paper n then prepare a blog. May b it will b much interesting!!!! U may get better comments also....
Deepa if I dont deviate to write non-sense this blog wont be titled as "Things that are under the sun" these things are absolutely meaningless but then they are not false!!
God is cunning... he has kept us in a frame called us and expects us only to break the frame called us to know what is us
to Vinay: U are right man .... one of my friends saw ur comment and remarked that it has no relevance to my post ... but then I think it has a very deep thaluk with my post and i did understand wat u wanted to say .... thanks .. anyways ...
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